• 1/2016: Trends in Music Teaching

    1/2016: Trends in Music Teaching

    Cover: Juraj Toman © Flowing Down, 2011


    ČIERNA, Alena: Preface
    In: Slovenská hudba, Vol. 42, 2016, No. 1, pp. 5 – 6


    SCHMUTZ, Wolfgang: Johann Sebastian Bach: Fugue No. 22 in B Flat Minor BWV 867. The Well-Tempered Clavier, Vol. 1
    In: Slovenská hudba, Vol. 42, 2016, No. 1, pp. 7 – 21

    When we apply the numeric alphabet on the name BACH, we will get: 2 + 1 + 3 + 8 = 14. The digit sum of the number 14 is 1 + 4 = 5! The Prelude and Fugue No. 22 in B flat minor BWV 867 from the first volume of The Well-Tempered Clavier is a five-voice piece set into the minor key of the first letter of Bach’s name which has 5 flats. The analysis of the work on the basis of numbers and number symbolism reveals and poses unprecedented riddles, whose solution confirms the presupposition that this work was especially important for J. S. Bach.

    DYTRTOVÁ, Kateřina: Audiovisual Scene and Music Education
    In: Slovenská hudba, Vol. 42, 2016, No. 1, pp. 22 – 35

    The study deals with an interdisciplinary transformation of musical sound and sound ideal resulting from the changes in artistic thinking in the 20th and 21st centuries. The intersection of music and visual art produced an audiovisual scene, from which the study selects and analyzes some influential projects by the use of the concept analysis method. The possibilities offered by new media and their accessibility for the users, as well as scholarly innovativeness, are available for the music education. The study presents a recent publication, the textbook Ko-text, which focuses on the relationship of sound and shape in some of its chapters.

    NEDĚLKA, Michal: University of the Third Age and the Musical Topography of the Czech Republic
    In: Slovenská hudba, Vol. 42, 2016, No. 1, pp. 36 – 40

    The course of musical topography for seniors aims to acquaint the students with places connected with music in the Czech Republic. It is organized in the form of lectures and excursions, it follows standard educational goals, corresponding to the age and interests of the participants. The activities follow up on the general music education, which the trainees had passed in elementary or secondary school, and develop the skills and musical abilities of students.

    KRÁLOVÁ, Eva – MASARYKOVÁ, Svetlana: Music and Movement Activities in Project Method Implemented in Nursery School With Pre-School Children
    In: Slovenská hudba, Vol. 42, 2016, No. 1, pp. 41 – 67

    Although traditional teaching methods prevail the project method in the educational process, mainly due to the difficult preparation, we focused on its use in the selected class of a nursery school. We also evaluated its potential to influence the social climate of the class through the implementation of music and movement activities. The research goal was to design and implement music and movement activities using the project method with the aim to improve relationships and social climate in the selected class of the nursery school and subsequently verify it by a My Class Inventory questionnaire modified by J. Lašek. We used it in the selected class of the nursery school in the form of a structured interview. The sample of the survey consisted of 15 children aged 5–6 years in the nursery school Sun in the town of Topoľčany. The survey results indicate that music and movement activities within the project method positively affected the social climate in the classroom of the nursery school. Following the music and movement intervention programme the following two dimensions were improved: satisfaction and percentage of the cohesion in the classroom. The dimension of tension was reduced in the end of music and movement intervention programme. Through the implementation of the project methods we have contributed to the positive social climate among children in the selected classroom of the nursery school.

    FOJTÍKOVÁ, Lucia: Gospel Music and the Repertory of New Sacred Song
    In: Slovenská hudba, Vol. 42, 2016, No. 1, pp. 68 – 87

    The study examines the influence of gospel music and its non-artificial sources on liturgical music. Based on a thorough survey and an analysis of the repertoires of 15 youth church gospel choirs in Bratislava, the author aims to point out the fact that even gospel music can make a valuable contribution to the liturgical music. The author also makes an effort to show that amateur choirs with an adequate performance and a mature attitude supply a worthy musical element of the Catholic Mass in Slovakia with their own or cover music production. Through empirical research, interviews, both direct and indirect observations, and her own arranging, performing and conducting experience, the author proves that it is possible to form various subcultures both in the spiritual and cultural spheres, provided there is systematic work with choirs being done by their conductors. This ultimately leads to the cultivation of musical taste and an improvement in the individuals’ musical abilities.


    KUCIANOVÁ, Anna: ISBD. Processing of Music Documents Slovak National Branch of IAML
    In: Slovenská hudba, Vol. 42, 2016, No. 1, pp. 88 – 96

    The contribution provides information on standards applicable to the processing of music documents. It contains the latest information on the changes in the latest version of ISBD, applicable to the processing of music documents, which will be published in the Slovak translation in the electronic publication of ISBD in the complete edition. The study includes the latest information on the state of AACR2 and RDA rules and other standards which form part of the second edition of the Methodology for the processing of music documents. It also contains information on the current state of MDT. The study is concluded with information relating the differences between the bibliography processing and the bibiliographic citation.


    ŠTEFKOVÁ, Markéta: Tatiana Pirníková: Umelec a intelektuál v zrkadle času. Premeny života a tvorby Ota Ferenczyho
    In: Slovenská hudba, Vol. 42, 2016, No. 1, pp. 97 – 100

    [The contribution is available only in Slovak language in the printed version of the revue.]