• 4/2021: Jesenská – Podprocký – Zimmer

    4/2021: Jesenská – Podprocký – Zimmer

    Cover: Ľubomír Zabadal © The Instrument, 2021


    ČIERNA, Alena: Preface
    In: Slovenská hudba, Vol. 47, 2021, No. 4, pp. 297 – 298


    RUTTKAY, Juraj: Zora Jesenská and Her Contribution to the Slovak Music Culture
    In: Slovenská hudba, Vol. 47, 2021, No. 4, pp. 299 – 320

    DOI: 10.4149/SH_2021_4_1

    Zora Jesenská descended from the old Turiec yeoman family line Jesenský-Gašparé. She was a professionally qualified translator of Russian, Soviet and French literature. Having studied the piano playing at the Academy of Music and Drama in Bratislava she became the first professional music critic in the region of Turiec and one of the first professionally trained female teachers of piano playing in Martin. Her correspondence with Frico Kafenda, the director of the Academy of Music and Drama in Bratislava, documents an important part of her work. The study focuses on Jesenská’s music activities and her contribution to the 20th century Slovak musical life.

    Zora Jesenská; critique; evaluation; piano playing; correspondence

    VESELÝ, Ondrej: Ján Zimmer – Context and Development of the Composer’s Work
    In: Slovenská hudba, Vol. 47, 2021, No. 4, pp. 321 – 331

    DOI: 10.4149/SH_2021_4_2

    This text is the first part of the monographic study Ján Zimmer – Context and Development of the Composer’s Work. Its goal is to offer a comprehensive view on the compositional work and life of this Slovak composer. The memoirs of Ján Zimmer, reflecting his childhood and student years, are being published for the first time in the history of Slovak musicology.

    Ján Zimmer; Slovak composer; memoirs


    ZELENKOVÁ, Jana: Biography and Register of Works of the Košice Composer Jozef Podprocký
    In: Slovenská hudba, Vol. 47, 2021, No. 4, pp. 332 – 362

    DOI: 10.4149/SH_2021_4_3

    Thanks to his lifelong professional activities in the city of Košice the composer Jozef Podprocký (1944–2021) ranks among the significant exponents of the Slovak cultural life. He studied piano (Irena Koreňová) and composition (Juraj Hatrík) at the Košice Conservatory, and graduated from the Academy of Performing Arts in Bratislava in 1970, where he had studied composition (Ján Cikker, Mikuláš Moyzes). His compositional output encompasses over 70 numbered opuses of various levels of difficulty and line-up (string quartets, symphonies, keyboard pieces, vocal works and others). He also revived works of composers active in the territory of eastern Slovakia in the 17th–19th centuries. During the 44 years of teaching at the Košice Conservatory (1969–2013) he laid the sound foundations of the Košice compositional school. For two seasons (1986–1988) he worked as the director of the Slovak State Philharmonic Košice, promoting the contemporary Slovak music.

    Jozef Podprocký; Slovak composer; biography; register of works


    VESELÝ, Ondrej: Four Interviews with Four Composers from Four European Countries (My i-Portunus)
    In: Slovenská hudba, Vol. 47, 2021, No. 4, pp. 363 – 382

    DOI: 10.4149/SH_2021_4_4


    HUBINSKÁ, Zuzana – LACKOVÁ, Ivana – SONDOROVÁ, Dominika: 18th Confrontations Arts Festival
    In: Slovenská hudba, Vol. 47, 2021, No. 4, pp. 383 – 393


    RUTTKAY, Juraj: Slávka Kopčáková: Irena Medňanská a slovenská hudobná pedagogika
    In: Slovenská hudba, Vol. 47, 2021, No. 4, pp. 394 – 395

    [The contribution is available only in Slovak language in the printed version of the revue.]